Monday, August 1, 2011

Poor NZ student financial aid

Poor NZ student financial aid?
I'm a pretty damn poor student in Wellington NZ but don't qualify for a student allowance due to my parents income. They're by no means rich and definitely can't afford to help me out financially. I'm just wondering what other help i can get financially without resorting to a loan? My course is too intense for part time work so that's not an option. The frustrating thing is the fact that i can name over 10 friends off the top of my head that are from extremely wealthy families but who somehow qualify for a full allowance??!?!? Government needs to sort their f**king s**t out. If i do have a computer it must be extremely small as i cant seem to find it.. im using the university ones.
Financial Aid - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you clearly have enough to own a computer
2 :
mmmm. if you take a year off, work, then you can be considered financially independant. your parents income will then not matter, so the government will care about you being poor and give you a student allowance if your grades are high enough, apply for academic scholarships at uni otherwise, get a part time job anyway, do uni part time, get a loan. if the government won't give you money, nobody else is gonna give it away for free.